Monday, February 23, 2009

Cherokee National Enduro 2009

Wallace Palmer

Russell Bobbitt

Flying Down The Trail

The Cherokee Enudro Riders sure know how to put on a killer race. It was a beautiful clear, crisp day and the conditions were perfect for the bike to stick to to the trail and fly. More pictures to come at OFF THE ROAD PHOTOS.COM. A special thanks to Kenny K., whose pictures are always perfect and his great company and advice always welcome. His pictures are up at PBASE.COM/KENNYK.
Rob Beachman also took great pictures and shot many of the rows I missed due to camera failure photos. His photos are up here Passion4Dirt.

1 comment:

Steven said...

Kudos on the Wallace Palmer shot! If I had wall space to hang stuff I would put that up on my wall, unfortunately all my walspace is taken up by my photos.