Monday, September 22, 2008

Say No to the Bailout Package!!!

I am puzzled that every single hardworking American is not up in arms over the potential bailout package! Oh wait no I'm not, we are a Nation of lazy, pass the blame, spend more than we have idiots. Cause and effect has escaped the minds of all Americans.
There is still a chance for hope! This is people like you and me who care about the future of America and will stand up and write to our legislators and make our voice heard.
It is easy. Here is a link to contact your Congressperson - Write Your Congressional Rep
Here is the link to contact your Senator Write Your Senator(s)
You can write something like this:
Dear Congressperson/Senator You Let Me Down:
The economic bailout package is a scandal. Why should your taxpayers go into more debt financing insurance agencies, financial institutions, investment bankers and corporations? The people who created this mess, knew that selling mortgage securities was a volatile idea from the beginning. I do not want my tax money to go to helping out corporate America. Please oppose this bill and this package, it will do nothing but bring this country more financial ruin in the future. You were voted into office to represent and support your consituents and you have let us down. If you are going to throw our tax money away of bad securities debt, then you might as well just give it back to us instead. I do not want my hard earned tax dollars to go to bad decision making. I need to pay off my own debt not other people's. This package is completely unsound. Sincerely, Your Name

Please get educated on this issue and stand up for your rights as a taxpayer!


car said...

We need to bail out the corporations in a capitalist country whenever possible, so that we can lend to the poor. It is so simple a concept. You need money we have it. You need oil, we get it for you. Just say yes to bail out so you can have money to buy your suv's and keep my oil stocks in good shape!

Val B said...

Car, you are a funny one! I enjoy your blog a lot. Most financial experts agree the bailout package may not even impact the credit crisis. Your oil stocks will always be in good shape, we need oil to run everything. Even the filthy hippies need oil.