Okay, we all use incorrect grammer from time to time. However, I have noticed among all people that the English language is being abused. Not only that but quotes from commercials pervade our daily expressions (including church billboards as seen above). It is hard for me not to correct people when they make glaring errors. Mispeaking is one thing but getting the whole use of a word wrong repeadetly is another. Along with intentional mispellings, such as Kountry Kitchen. Up until this year, the Ingles grocery store near my house had a sign up on the muffin and cookie display saying "Muffins and doughnuts must be rang up separate". Now I know I live in rural America, but this is entertaining. I heard someone saying they can "make pretend" something for Halloween, hopefully they meant "make believe". Another favorite I have heard recently with the political debates is, "the point being that". Yes, there are too many words here a point already exists, it does not have to be. In case you are wondering, it should be "the point is that".
Maybe I should just accept the dumbing down of America and not let these things bother me. Really, I think we need to spend more money on education.