Several years ago when I didn't have as many domestic duties, I used to boulder along with the mutltitudes of other outdoor sports I did on a regular basis. Bouldering like motoring, kayaking, mtn. biking, is a sport that lends itself well to expanding your brain capacity via deep thought (like I am going to die if I miss this move). On my property, there are lots of boulders, I didn't really think much about "bouldering" on them until earlier this year when my friend Heather said we should check out one particular rock visible from the road. Well, I finally bought a new pair of climbing shoes and check out that rock I did.
It is a nice rock with lots of fun features, it also has a plethora of poisonous weeds on and around it, as evident from its portrait above. I am excited to get it cleaned up. Not that I need another sport to take my time away from more grown-up duties, but it is a nice activity to take my mind of the sadness of the last two waterless boating seasons.